برچسب: نقد کتاب پاسخ به ایوب

  • نقد کتاب پاسخ به ایوب

    شنبه ۲ اسفند ۱۳۹۹ السبت ٨ رجب ١٤٤٢ Saturday, February 20, 2021 اللَّهُم کُنْ لِوَلِیِّکَ الحُجَةِ بنِ الحَسَن، صَلَواتُکَ علَیه و علی آبائِه، فِی هَذِهِ السَّاعَةِ وَ فِی کُلِّ سَاعَه، وَلِیّاً وَ حَافِظاً و قَائِداً وَ نَاصِراً وَ دَلِیلًا وَ عَیْنا، حَتَّى تُسْکِنَهُ أَرْضَکَ طَوْعا وَ تُمَتعَهُ فیها طَویلا” – خدایا، ولىّ‏ ات، حضرت حجّت بن…

  • كتاب پاسخ به ايوب

    Answer to Job (German: Antwort auf Hiob) is a 1952 book by Carl Jung that addresses the significance of the Book of Job to the “divine drama” of Christianity. It argues that while he submitted to Yahweh’s omnipotence, Job nevertheless proved to be more moral and conscious than God, who tormented him without justification under…

  • کتاب پاسخ به ایوب

    Answer to Job (German: Antwort auf Hiob) is a 1952 book by Carl Jung that addresses the significance of the Book of Job to the “divine drama” of Christianity. It argues that while he submitted to Yahweh’s omnipotence, Job nevertheless proved to be more moral and conscious than God, who tormented him without justification under…

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